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São Paulo, Brazil


Anália Amorim Studio [Anália Amorim, Ruben Otero, Ciro Pirondi, Adda Ungaretti, Camilla Dibaco and Gabriela Callejas - collaborator]

Urban Development Plan for Paraisópolis

Project developed for São Paulo’s Municipal Housing Authority (SEHAB). The plan consolidated a diagnosis of the challenges and potential uses of the area, leading to the elaboration of the Urban Development Plan - Preliminary Proposal focusing on infrastructure, mobility and housing. The team prepared the exhibit for the 4th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam. The project was also displayed at Museu da Casa Brasileira, São Paulo.

The plan provided a framework for interventions organized in three main axis: housing/public facilities; water and sewage infrastructure; and mobility. Rather than taken as a “masterplan”, it should be seen as set of specific strategies for urban interventions that would be able to react to the constantly changing conditions.

  • HOUSING + PUBLIC SERVICES:  In order to relocate the housing units from risk-areas, new housing typologies needed to be integrated into the existent urban fabric. Based on the structures and experiences of the Municipality in participatory methods, these planning efforts were tailored according to the special and social conditions for every compound. The new arrangements aimed to establish spatially defined common outdoor areas and allow local activities to be integrated into the new structure. The new housing blocks incorporated public facilities such social services, education and sports facilities as well as recreational areas, and green spaces.

  • INFRASTRUCTURE: Infrastructure networks such as water management, electricity supply, sanitation and sewage systems had already been partially provided by the Municipality. These improvements are to be continued and adapted to the planning strategies of the new urban scheme. The team developed specific strategies for water and waste, integrating these systems with the design of public spaces and ecologically sustainable systems.

  • MOBILITY: The challenge was to connect Paraisópolis with the surrounding neighborhoods.  The plan prioritizes pedestrian and bicycle accessibility within the neighborhood, especially from the existing transit stops, mostly located along Paraisópolis boundaries.

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