São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo Urbanismo team
Arco Tietê is a strategic area for the São Paulo Masterplan (Plano Diretor Estratégico). This urban redevelopment plan of a 60-km2 area along Tietê River in São Paulo aimed at promoting housing and job opportunities on underutilized properties, while upgrading existing infrastructure. It was a result of deep site analysis and urban plans developed at various scales, by various teams and partners.
São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo Urbanismo team

With 6.000ha and around 350.000 inhabitants, the site is served by solid mobility infrastructure and social services, while having vast underutilized public and private properties along the river and rail line. The plan started in 2013 with an open call for proposals from the private sector (PMI) and, on 2016, São Paulo Urbanismo team (who works for the SP Planning Department) delivered a bill to implement the “PIU Arco Tietê” – an Urban Intervention Plan.
The processes of developing the Plan generated many urban analyses, including diagnosis of ownership of land, social and economic data, analysis of specific sectors such as housing, mobility, open spaces and environment, economic feasibility studies of specific urban development scenarios. The result of this process was the launch of the Projeto de Lei – Projeto de Intervenção Urbana Arco Tietê.
PIU Arco Tietê brings strategies for upgrading infrastructure, such as roads, mass transit, creating new green areas and open spaces, and creating new housing opportunities, on both public and private land. It proposes new zoning and density guidelines to provoke these changes, while articulating potential Public Private Partnerships to generate investments on the needed infrastructure improvements.
Besides setting an overall plan for the entire site, PIU Arco Tietê defines three main projects that would concentrate the initial efforts from both public and private partners:
“Lapa”, which is a redevelopment of industrial sites, next to the rail line;
“Apoios Urbanos”, that consist of redevelopment areas along new east-west mobility connections;
and “Centralidade da Metrópole”, or Metropolitan Centrality, which is a territory strucured along the historic north-south axis that connects the North Zone to the downtown of the city. The site has large areas of public land that can be redeveloped, cultural assets and opportunities of redesigning the waterfront to create new open and green spaces.
Please note that all the content belongs to Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. For more information, visit https://gestaourbana.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/estruturacao-territorial/arcos/arco-tiete/